2015: The Year of Service

Over the course of the holidays, I have been doing quite a bit of thinking.  Thinking about the past (in a good way) and also thinking about the future.  I am not quite sure what triggered these “deep thoughts.”  Maybe it is my age, maybe it’s the season.  No matter the reason, I have never been more excited about where I am and what the future holds.

I have realized over the last few months how lucky I am.  I have a job that I enjoy and a side business that is providing our family with a little more financial freedom than we have ever had.  This side business has also helped us start living healthier lives.  In fact, I am nearly back to the same size and shape I was 20 years ago when I graduated from college.

Therefore, I feel the need to pay it forward.  As the title of this post says, I am designating 2015 as The Year of Service.  Of course, I hope many of you will join me in this pursuit.  Service is the purpose of this website and blog.  From this point forward, I am hoping that as many of my actions as possible will help someone improve their life.

What actions can we take?  Well, I intend to take big actions as well as small ones.  I don’t intend to keep a log and I am certainly not going to keep score.  I am not looking for or expecting repayment of any kind.  It has become obvious to me over the years that the person that gives the most is actually the person that receives the most.  I think someone has called it the paradox of giving and if not, I am going to lay claim to it myself.

The leaders that I admire understand that serving others is their true role.  Servant leadership is the key to helping teams, corporations, or any organization to new heights.  So if you believe in this type of leadership (like I do), then why aren’t we taking that idea to a whole new level?  In other words, if we want to raise our neighborhoods, our country, and our world to new heights, then why aren’t we making a commitment to serve each other as selflessly as possible?

I certainly understand that we all have responsibilities to which we need to attend.  We have to put food on the table, clothes on our backs, and roofs over our heads.  However, what I am advocating is that in the course of doing those very things, we look for ways to go above and beyond.  Some days, it may just be holding the door open for someone.  The next day it might be allowing a car to merge in front of you during a traffic jam.  Your service doesn’t have to be a huge endeavor!

So, as we go forward in 2015, won’t you join me?  I would love to read your comments here or on our new Facebook page (The Shaven Raven).  Of course, if there is anything at all I can do for you, please be sure to let me know via email at greg@theshavenraven.com.